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9 Discerning Updated & Sourced Facts About Coronavirus

DISCLAIMER - THE OPINIONS EXPRESSED IN THE DISCERNING MAN COLUMN DO NOT REPRESENT THE VIEWS OF HEROIK MEDIA OR ITS AFFILIATES.There is a lot of fear, panic porn, and optimism shaming getting blasted in a highly politicized news media climate.  Despite the whole world...

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4 Take Aways From Walmart’s Acquisition of Jet.com

4 Take Aways From Walmart’s Acquisition of Jet.com

1. Buying that which you don’t understand. Jet seemed to inject all of their money into their marketing, on the novelty of curation. There was little evidence to show that they were retaining the customers when the novelty wears off. Jet was just too new. It had a...

Looking at Big Data, Does More Guarantee Better?

Looking at Big Data, Does More Guarantee Better?

Are you struggling with calculating ROI on your big data initiatives? You’re not alone. Many are reluctant to ask their peers about it, others don’t talk about it, but the elephant in the room needs to come atop the agenda, as does the culture that finds it...

Nasty-Grams: The Ever Avoidable Bad Attitude  Business Tax

Nasty-Grams: The Ever Avoidable Bad Attitude Business Tax

  We've all sent them, we've all received them. Nasty-Grams are disruptive, destructive in any relationship and unprofessional but common in the business world. When it comes to abusive and dysfunctional communication, it's important to a healthy practice to...

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