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The No-BS Guide to OKRs: From Solo Hustler to Enterprise Behemoth

The No-BS Guide to OKRs: From Solo Hustler to Enterprise Behemoth

Listen up, because I'm about to save you from the biggest mistake most businesses make with OKRs (Objectives and Key Results). They treat them like New Year's resolutions – all excitement in January, forgotten by February, and buried under paperwork by March. The...

Keeping SCORE – The Complete Guide to the 7 SCORE Frameworks

Keeping SCORE – The Complete Guide to the 7 SCORE Frameworks

Having the right framework to guide your organization's growth and transformation is crucial. The SCORE methodologies have emerged as powerful tools for different business contexts, but many leaders struggle to identify which version best suits their needs. This...

Boost Your Confidence and Performance Using The 40% Rule

Boost Your Confidence and Performance Using The 40% Rule

Let’s face it. Your to-do list isn’t getting any shorter. And constantly rescheduling tasks just leads to self-shame and guilt. At an unconscious level, you’re beating yourself up and thinking yourself a loser. The crux of the problem is in over-estimating our...

How The 80/20 Addiction Leads to Business Failures

How The 80/20 Addiction Leads to Business Failures

When people talk about the 80/20 Rule, they are most often referring to the idea that 20% of an effort produces 80% of the desired results. And that by focusing on enhancing that 20% you can optimize your business. However, there are a few problems with this concept...

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