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Count Your Money: Tracking Revenue

Count Your Money: Tracking Revenue

Track this: How much money is coming in and from which sources Right beneath our MVP metric of relationships, are dollars earned. News flash! Money matters! There I said it. There’s nothing wrong with the desire to be rich, nor being forthright and authentic by...

Measure This: Meetings That Matter

Measure This: Meetings That Matter

Track This: The number and quality of face to face meetings you have with people. Meetings offer opportunities to get belly to belly with people that matter to you. Getting face to face with your customers, partners and your team is certainly better in cases where you...

Measure What Matters: Count Your Real Fans

Measure What Matters: Count Your Real Fans

Track This: The number and quality of those people who like you, like what you do, and want you to succeed. Let’s begin by defining what I mean when I say fan. I’ll give you a hint, it has little to do with social media. A fan is someone who knows you, likes you,...

Track Your Traffic

Track Your Traffic

Track This: The number of visitors who interact with your business, and the experiential paths they take. Traffic, or the number of visitors who interact with your business or endeavor is incredibly important to measure. Whether you have a website or a brick and...

Breaking News: How to Hit the Eject Button on Your News Habit

Breaking News: How to Hit the Eject Button on Your News Habit

For many people it's part of starting the day and finishing it...watching the news. But in the Information Age, does it really serve you? Much of what networks refer to as “news” these days is not in fact honest or true news. It’s politically slanted commentary,...

The Heroik 6 Step Formula For Success

The Heroik 6 Step Formula For Success

Hey friends, I want to reach out with some tough love today. I want you to read it, though it will be hard. It will be sarcastic at times, and will pick on several ideas you've come to know and believe in success culture, but it will be worth it. You'll come out...

6 Toxic Lies That Bad Businesses Are Trying to Sell You

6 Toxic Lies That Bad Businesses Are Trying to Sell You

It is a standard tactic to position a product, service, or brand, as a transformative problem solver  in order to attract the attention of the masses. However, if a business knowingly creates products, services, or environments that are designed to address only...

Total Recall: Learn in a Flash With Studyhive

Total Recall: Learn in a Flash With Studyhive

Everyone has something important they need to remember but, often our memories fade and decay over time. The likelihood of remembering a single piece of information decreases after each minute that passes. This is exacerbated by the fact that in the digital age, we’re...

6 Ways to Cut-Out the Noise of Your TV Habit

6 Ways to Cut-Out the Noise of Your TV Habit

On a quest to cut down on the noise in our lives, and focus on the things that really serve us, let’s start with the 800 inch Gorilla in the room. Don’t worry. We’re not purists either. We’re not going to recommend that you give up TV altogether. We are going to talk...

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