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How The 80/20 Addiction Leads to Business Failures

How The 80/20 Addiction Leads to Business Failures

When people talk about the 80/20 Rule, they are most often referring to the idea that 20% of an effort produces 80% of the desired results. And that by focusing on enhancing that 20% you can optimize your business. However, there are a few problems with this concept...

9 Things Executives Need to Know About The Hidden Job Market

9 Things Executives Need to Know About The Hidden Job Market

It’s true. Beneath the hub bub and spam of traditional, mainstream social networks, and miles beyond the drudgery of LinkedIn, there exists a different kind of community, a corporate underground, that offers amongst other things, access to a treasure trove of...

4 Take Aways From Walmart’s Acquisition of

4 Take Aways From Walmart’s Acquisition of

1. Buying that which you don’t understand. Jet seemed to inject all of their money into their marketing, on the novelty of curation. There was little evidence to show that they were retaining the customers when the novelty wears off. Jet was just too new. It had a...

The Art of Speaking Visually: How Images Drive Action

The Art of Speaking Visually: How Images Drive Action

The way we communicate has changed forever. Talk is cheap and a picture is worth a thousand words right? Yet how many in your organization are visually conversant in the new language? How many on your team are digitally literate? How many are at least visually...

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