On Heroik Leadership

It seems that the only feats worth celebrating are those that change the world.  And in doing so, we ignore and devalue the Heroik things we can do every single day. When we take away the moments in our lives where we are truly Heroik, and do not let ourselves feel really good about them, or take credit for them, we do a disservice to ourselves and to our community. We miss out on how amazing our lives and daily contributions can be.

The ambitious among us have trained themselves to overpromise and overdeliver. Desperate for validation, self worth and attention we’ve trained the masses to promise world changing innovation with each and every endeavor, cranking up the hype machine to 11, and watching them fail spectacularly. This cycle starts up again, as we desperately seek the next big thing to save us from our own depression created by our own out-of -this-world expectations. There is a better way than hype and bubble speak.

By recognizing where Heroik moments truly start; with small efforts that improve lives and add value, and helping them grow, we can maximize the impact.

These are moments of Heroik Leadership; where we must be brave enough to recognize our power to change the world even in the smallest and most seemingly ordinary of ways. It is in these moments that we recognize that we’re right where we’re supposed to be, doing exactly what we should be doing.  When we take even the smallest of steps to acknowledge these Heroik parts of ourselves and others and the amazing impact these gifts have on the world; we begin to see and truly understand that profound change and transformation is possible. When we tell others and show ourselves that we our capable of Heroik leadership and epic change even within and especially within our own lives, it  fuels growth, inspires change and encourages innovations that improve lives. It is only by recognizing, nurturing and harnassing the spark of these little things that we can go on to build the big things.

It takes creative grit and courageous heart to believe that this is possible; to pursue the cultivation the skills and wisdom that enables us to build ideas from thought to profit. This is who we are. Underneath the disguises of fear, doubt and insecurity we are Heroik.

We’re here to inspire, lead, and transform ourselves, our communities and the world by building, learning and growing together.


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