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Are You Brave Enough To Light This Candle?

Are You Brave Enough To Light This Candle?

Our convictions resolute, Our is purpose clear, & our strategy sound. The trajectory is known. The future is not. And this engine will take us To new frontiers Or to the great beyond. Only one question remains Are You Brave Enough To Light This Candle? Growth...

Reflect & Believe: A Taste of Heroikology

Reflect & Believe: A Taste of Heroikology

The spiritual technology of personal empowerment not only leads to transformation of one’s life and work. It also brings new capabilities, a vision of new opportunities and a dirigible architecture that allows us to elevate ourselves, our communities and endeavors....

I Don’t Know About You, But I Gotta Be Me

I Don’t Know About You, But I Gotta Be Me

A great commercial reminding you - to enjoy being you. Let them be them and you be you. Unsubscribe from the idolatry of celebrity, and the guilt and shame placed upon you by society. Cultivate authenticity, grab a drink, find a beach, and practice being you for...

Time, Energy and Attention, Where are You Pouring Your TEA?

Time, Energy and Attention, Where are You Pouring Your TEA?

Track This: Where and how you spend your focused attention; time, energy and attention. The most important metric or currency of  these days seems to be our focused, attention time, composed of time, energy and attention (TEA). The modern audience of potential...

7 Apps That Will Instantly Make You a Speed Reading Genius

7 Apps That Will Instantly Make You a Speed Reading Genius

It’s amazing to me, how many ambitious upstarts have the passion for new endeavor, yet hate to read and learn to reach their goals. If reading is a barrier to improvement for you, perhaps because you find it slow-paced, difficult or uninteresting, then you’re in luck....

Free Download: Perk up Your Productivity With Some Cafe Ambiance

Free Download: Perk up Your Productivity With Some Cafe Ambiance

Recent studies show that a moderate level of ambient noise can boost productivity. Absolute silence makes it difficult to be creative. Too much noise can be distracting. The right mix of calm and productive cafe culture is just what the doctor ordered. According to a...

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