You are 34X more likely to convert face to face than via email. Think about how much harder you have to work, even though email scales, you are still fighting many more forces working against you, like spam filters, the ease of saying “No” or “Unsubscribe” and so on....
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Real Good vs. Feel Good – Why Startup Pitch Competitions Need To Be Divided By Market vs. Social Focus
Are you here to win? Or are you here to play? Just as we separate fun vs. competitive sports leagues, ensure that both get the support development and enjoyable experience they need and desire, we need the same with startup pitch competitions. Market viability is the...
Destroy Mental Roadblocks With These 3 Exercises
Creative thinking is an extremely crucial aspect of problem-solving, starting a business, and writing various types of content. One of the best ways to think creatively is by changing your perspective and seeing things a bit differently than you normally would. Some...
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