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6 Things Every Mom Needs to Know About Estate Planning

Although estate planning can seem like a bit of a scary topic, the truth is that we live in an uncertain world and any moment could end up being our last. As moms, we often have tendencies to push these kind of thoughts from our heads. Some may believe if we don't...

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3 Benefits of Tactical Asset Protection

Tactical asset protection allows for the ability to keep your individual or business's assets protected from creditor claims. Of course, this still has to operate within the bounds of debtor-creditor laws. But, it's a wonderful option for millions of people out there...

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Leave Your Work Shoes At The Door: Be Present At Home

Leave Your Work Shoes At The Door: Be Present At Home

Have you ever struggled to leave work at the door when you get home? I've found it especially difficult now that work fits in our pockets. Here's a ritual, physical habit and life hack I created to trigger a mental disconnect and transition from work mode into home...

Build a Better Life and Business Using The Emotional Atlas

Build a Better Life and Business Using The Emotional Atlas

This  Emotional Atlas is a great resource designed to help you understand and explore emotions, their triggers, the actions we take with them and their generalized mood.The Atlas itself can help abundant people understand, navigate their own emotions and...

7 Tips to Help You Start Building The Great Life

7 Tips to Help You Start Building The Great Life

1. Make enough room in your life to accommodate your big dreams. A lucky man once said - "You can't make love on a cluttered desk." Clear a space for your next big opportunity. As anticipate all the things you wish to achieve, give them ample room to fit in your life....

Welcome to Discerning Man

Welcome to Discerning Man

TL:DR Version - What is it? It's like burning man but with more whiskey, critical thought, and drunken musings. This is a place for thoughtful man stuff.  I started this as a creative outlet for myself as an individual, a place to write where I wasn't self censoring...

7 Ways to Super Charge Your Self Worth

7 Ways to Super Charge Your Self Worth

It is an often said but poorly understood notion, that many if not most people in your life will try to discourage, devalue and chip away at your self-worth. Due to toxic patterns, poor upbringings, selfish behavior, and other environmental and psychological factors,...

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