Most of the major downers driving depression, anxiety and hindering your performance exist or are strongly connected to your digital habits on the web, and they spill over into the real world. It’s time to address this with a disciplined practice of some strategic...
Personal Development
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#OffMode PT 2: When You Cut Out The Noise & Lights What You Hear & See May Scare & Excite You
Unplugging from the ceaseless, overwhelming digital burnout machine that is the digital lifestyle, by cultivating a disciplined #OffMode Practice, will, in fact, create a psychological and energetic vacuum. Nature abhors a vacuum. Let’s talk about what happens when...
#OffMode: 9 Reasons Why Now is the Best Time to Disconnect & Cut Back
The largest contributor to personal and professional burnout, anxiety and depression currently overwhelming you is in your pocket, on your desk, and in your bag. And there’s a simple little practice to keep it all in check, stay balanced, and operating optimally. It’s...
6 Toxic Lies That Bad Businesses Are Trying to Sell You
It is a standard tactic to position a product, service, or brand, as a transformative problem solver in order to attract the attention of the masses. However, if a business knowingly creates products, services, or environments that are designed to address only...
6 Ways to Cut-Out the Noise of Your TV Habit
On a quest to cut down on the noise in our lives, and focus on the things that really serve us, let’s start with the 800 inch Gorilla in the room. Don’t worry. We’re not purists either. We’re not going to recommend that you give up TV altogether. We are going to talk...
5 Super Moves to Help You Kill the Noise, Empty Your Cup & Make Room for Improvement
At the core of Heroik Culture is our mantra: Mission Ready For Life. This is an attitude and dedication to both personal and professional growth, and it has many implications. One of the key practices boils down to this: cultivate that which serves you, and proudly...
11 Tips For Whole-Hearted Living
In life, entrepreneurial and cultural mythology, and Heroik chronicles neglect to tell you all the important stages of self development required before you run off to slay dragons and conquer the world. The facts are that everyone comes ill equipped and most turn...
7 Ways to Super Charge Your Self Worth
It is an often said but poorly understood notion, that many if not most people in your life will try to discourage, devalue and chip away at your self-worth. Due to toxic patterns, poor upbringings, selfish behavior, and other environmental and psychological factors,...
7 Tips to Help You Start Building The Great Life
Reflect & Believe: A Taste of Heroikology
Time, Energy and Attention, Where are You Pouring Your TEA?
7 Apps That Will Instantly Make You a Speed Reading Genius
The 3 Biggest Time Wasters at Work & How to Stop Them
Go 5G: Upgrade Your Life With These 5 Words
Staff Picks
Podcast 206 – What to Do When You Have No Map
The Heroik Hour Podcast #205 – Overestimating Capacity & Underestimating Effort Required
The Heroik Hour Podcast #204 – OffMode
7 Symptoms of The Business Killing Habit That Nukes Your Plans And Cripples Your Productivity
Capacity Counts: The 5 Lies You Buy Into That Cause You To Bite Off More Than You Can Chew
Getting It Done: 3 Steps to Help You Stop Overestimating Your Capacity & Underestimating The Effort Required
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