Overestimating your capacity is a bad keystone habit that enables a lot of other self-sabotaging habits, and while there are ways to turn things around, as with any addiction, you’ll be vulnerable to repeating bad problems and must maintain constant vigilance. This...
Personal Development
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Finding Your Flow: 8 Business and Life Altering Benefits of Getting Capacity Right
Being aware of your true, effective work capacity as an individual and as a company is an essential life skill. Most established business owners struggle with it. Overestimating what they can do & underestimating the effort required, is a surefire, one-two recipe...
Capacity Counts: 25 Points of Peril & The High Cost of Getting It Wrong
Being unaware of your true effective capacity as an individual and as a company is deadly. If the leader of the company overestimates his capacity, he’ll flood his company with unrealistic expectations, fantasy projects, and vague goals that will cripple the...

7 Universal Metrics That Will Elevate Your Biz & Life
In this post, we'll discuss 7 metrics that are fit to help any endeavor, of any size elevate and grow forward. A wise, old man (Joe Rohde) once told me, “where you look is where you go.” This is true in business and life. And it’s really easy to focus on the wrong...

Relationships : The MVP of Metrics
Relationships : The MVP of Metrics Track this: The number of people you are serving face to face, the type, level and commitment to service. Simply tracking and valuing this will make it easier for you to create and give more value in your products and services, and...

Measure This: Meetings That Matter
Track This: The number and quality of face to face meetings you have with people. Meetings offer opportunities to get belly to belly with people that matter to you. Getting face to face with your customers, partners and your team is certainly better in cases where you...

Measure What Matters: Count Your Real Fans
Track This: The number and quality of those people who like you, like what you do, and want you to succeed. Let’s begin by defining what I mean when I say fan. I’ll give you a hint, it has little to do with social media. A fan is someone who knows you, likes you,...

Breaking News: How to Hit the Eject Button on Your News Habit
For many people it's part of starting the day and finishing it...watching the news. But in the Information Age, does it really serve you? Much of what networks refer to as “news” these days is not in fact honest or true news. It’s politically slanted commentary,...

6 Toxic Lies That Bad Businesses Are Trying to Sell You
It is a standard tactic to position a product, service, or brand, as a transformative problem solver in order to attract the attention of the masses. However, if a business knowingly creates products, services, or environments that are designed to address only...

6 Ways to Cut-Out the Noise of Your TV Habit
On a quest to cut down on the noise in our lives, and focus on the things that really serve us, let’s start with the 800 inch Gorilla in the room. Don’t worry. We’re not purists either. We’re not going to recommend that you give up TV altogether. We are going to talk...

5 Super Moves to Help You Kill the Noise, Empty Your Cup & Make Room for Improvement
At the core of Heroik Culture is our mantra: Mission Ready For Life. This is an attitude and dedication to both personal and professional growth, and it has many implications. One of the key practices boils down to this: cultivate that which serves you, and proudly...

11 Tips For Whole-Hearted Living
In life, entrepreneurial and cultural mythology, and Heroik chronicles neglect to tell you all the important stages of self development required before you run off to slay dragons and conquer the world. The facts are that everyone comes ill equipped and most turn...

7 Ways to Super Charge Your Self Worth
It is an often said but poorly understood notion, that many if not most people in your life will try to discourage, devalue and chip away at your self-worth. Due to toxic patterns, poor upbringings, selfish behavior, and other environmental and psychological factors,...
The Heroik Hour Podcast 22: 4 Steps to Make Your Vision a Reality
True Character Is Revealed When Fit Hits The Shan
Show Notes The Heroik Hour 09 – 11 Tips for Do Overs, Pivots & Building From the Ground Up
To Improve, Be Brave, Admit Problems, Face Them & Implement Solutions
Leave Your Work Shoes At The Door: Be Present At Home
7 Tips to Help You Start Building The Great Life
Staff Picks
Tips For War-Time Leadership In 2020
Real Good vs. Feel Good – Why Startup Pitch Competitions Need To Be Divided By Market vs. Social Focus
Boost Your Confidence and Performance Using The 40% Rule
4 Things That Get In The Way Of You and Your Goals And The Winning Process To Crush Them Everyday
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