Unplugging from the ceaseless, overwhelming digital burnout machine that is the digital lifestyle, by cultivating a disciplined #OffMode Practice, will, in fact, create a psychological and energetic vacuum. Nature abhors a vacuum. Let’s talk about what happens when...
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#OffMode: 9 Reasons Why Now is the Best Time to Disconnect & Cut Back
The largest contributor to personal and professional burnout, anxiety and depression currently overwhelming you is in your pocket, on your desk, and in your bag. And there’s a simple little practice to keep it all in check, stay balanced, and operating optimally. It’s...
Does Winging It Work For The Long Haul? Do Upsides Support Sustainable Strategies?
Is constantly flying by the seat of your pants a sustainable strategy? Can you make it to big wins just by cycling through the trending tactics of the moment? There are many out there who proudly swear by this approach and just wing it. And there are many more who...
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Getting It Done: 3 Steps to Help You Stop Overestimating Your Capacity & Underestimating The Effort Required
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Capacity Counts: 25 Points of Peril & The High Cost of Getting It Wrong
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