When you sit at your computer, if the first screen you pop open is your email inbox, it’s probably your goto workspace throughout your day. The inbox is a great place to be responsive to business needs and customers, but it’s overrun with distractions, that help you...
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Where Hustle and Hype Meet – 5 Steps to Build Your Operational Integrity
You’ve probably never heard of it. One of the simplest ways to regularly drive repeat customers and referrals is to strive to achieve and maintain operational integrity. Simply put it is the measure of alignment between your hype and your hustle, your words and your...
Like a Boss: 5 Tips to Help You Fight Through Failure And Make a Comeback
We should all consider failure as a detour that must be traveled on the road to success. However, that doesn't mean failure should be oversimplified or treated lightly. If you know how to bounce back from mistakes and failure properly and professionally, you'll be all...
Looking at Big Data, Does More Guarantee Better?
Are you struggling with calculating ROI on your big data initiatives? You’re not alone. Many are reluctant to ask their peers about it, others don’t talk about it, but the elephant in the room needs to come atop the agenda, as does the culture that finds it...
Show Notes Ep01 Heroes are MADE by Focusing on Mastery & Craft
Disclaimer: Below are the show notes and script that covers the podcast more or less. These notes will be more concise and tight as I find my narrative style and framework for the show. So bear with me. To become Heroik, you must be forged in fire, MADE from facing...
Becoming Indispensible: 9 Ways to Cultivate an Adaptive Mindset at Work
Given the complexity and speed of which things change in our lives these days, an adaptive mindset is essential to building a resilient, sustainable and thriving business. An adaptive mindset is a mental attitude of assessing the facts and circumstances of the...
Leave Competitors In The Dust By Designing Experience From The Top Down
Technology has enabled a global, always-on market. The speed of disruption is eroding industries that were once rock solid. Consumers have more options than ever before. In fact, they have so many options, that there are entire new industries to help them decide and...
Build, Live & Enjoy An Abundant Life
Why You're Here: What It Means to Build Live and Enjoy The Great Life The Great Life, is our own version of abundant living. It is the core driver of Heroik culture, and our particular take on what it means to be intentional and specific about all the aspects of life...
We’re Building The Great Life
At Heroik, we’re abundance junkies. We build it, we live it and love it. As experience designers, in business mode, it is part of our job to always be aware of the greater context and significance, or why of our projects. Abundance, or abundant living, is at the very...
Their Software is Defining Your Culture: How to Ensure YOUR Culture is Present On The Screen
When you think about what influences culture, what comes to mind? Do you think about content, video, audio, pictures, executive memos, value statements, ethics, and posters? I bet software didn’t make the list. And yet software is prolific throughout virtually every...
New Research Shows That Even The Worst Video Games Are More Entertaining Than Safe and Sane Fireworks
According to recent research study from NIDM, California men and women ages 18-55 would rather play a video game than use safe and sane fireworks when given the choice. Participants were given a choice between a free assortment of safe and sane fireworks or a game of...
To Improve, Be Brave, Admit Problems, Face Them & Implement Solutions
Often, we avoid hard truths and tough talks because they are the verbal vegetables of society. Some things however distasteful, are in fact quite healthy and important. And we know it. You know it's good for you. So, what kind of brussel sprouts are we talking...
Be Brave Now America – Time For A Little Less Talk and a Lot More Action
It's important to admit, confront and address the challenges and problems you have, if you wish to resolve them. As a country, in the collective conscious, it's equally important that problems are discussed and confronted. Too often, and more often than ever, problems...
The Heroik Hour Episode 15: EDC Gear – EveryDay Carry – Hardware Edition
Emotional Fragility Reaches All Time High: 18 Points of Wisdom to Help You Be The Hope & Rock The World Needs.
Episode 14: The 10 Perils of Platforms and 11 Survival Tips to Overcome Them
I Want to Believe But…Why Quantifying Social Capital is So Completely Full of It
The Heroik Hour 13: Unfair Advantages & The Hidden Job Market For Executives
The Heroik Hour 12: True to Your Core With Bonnie Kelly
Staff Picks
7 Symptoms of The Business Killing Habit That Nukes Your Plans And Cripples Your Productivity
Capacity Counts: The 5 Lies You Buy Into That Cause You To Bite Off More Than You Can Chew
Getting It Done: 3 Steps to Help You Stop Overestimating Your Capacity & Underestimating The Effort Required
Finding Your Flow: 8 Business and Life Altering Benefits of Getting Capacity Right
Capacity Counts: 25 Points of Peril & The High Cost of Getting It Wrong
Digital Detox: 5 #OffMode Options To Help You Reconnect With The Real World
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