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Introducing #Heavy Rotation

We're adding a new, much needed topic to our content mix, called Heavy Rotation. Normally, when you think of heavy rotation, you think of music, the same Top 40 played over and over again. This has influenced and shaped our culture, our psychology, values, and beliefs...

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Introducing #Heavy Rotation

Introducing #Heavy Rotation

We're adding a new, much needed topic to our content mix, called Heavy Rotation. Normally, when you think of heavy rotation, you think of music, the same Top 40 played over and over again. This has influenced and shaped our culture, our psychology, values, and beliefs...

Heavy Rotation: EDC -SpyderCo Tenacious Review

Heavy Rotation: EDC -SpyderCo Tenacious Review

In this #HeavyRotation review, we look at an EDC knife I've consistently carried for a few years now, the Spyderco Tenacious. Pros: 1 Handed Opening G10 Supergrip handle - Feels great - The standard for a higher quality knife.  Thin & slim, doesn't hog the pocket...

#OffMode: 9 Reasons Why Now is the Best Time to Disconnect & Cut Back

#OffMode: 9 Reasons Why Now is the Best Time to Disconnect & Cut Back

The largest contributor to personal and professional burnout, anxiety and depression currently overwhelming you is in your pocket, on your desk, and in your bag. And there’s a simple little practice to keep it all in check, stay balanced, and operating optimally. It’s...

True Character Is Revealed When Fit Hits The Shan

True Character Is Revealed When Fit Hits The Shan

Your true character shows up when the defecation hits the oscillation. The measure of your integrity and commitment to your core values is demonstrated by what you do when things become uncomfortable.  Your character is measured by what you value beyond your own...

Head On: ​Confronting 3 Levels of Ever Evolving Manhood

Head On: ​Confronting 3 Levels of Ever Evolving Manhood

Whatever level you’re at. Welcome. We all feel lost at times. We all have answers, wisdom, experience, courage, virtues, or even ideals. All of these need to be shared. All of these need to be rejuvenated from time to time.  We all yearn to lead and we yearn to...

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