In the arena of business and life, courage isn't just a virtue—it's a necessity. At Heroik, we don't just talk about courage; we live it, breathe it, and embody it in everything we do. Our mantra? BYOB - Bring Your Own Bravery. Because let's face it, no one can be...
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11 Ways to Embrace Continuous Learning and Crush Your Goals
Listen up, champions. If you're not growing, you're dying. That's not just some feel-good BS – it's the cold, hard truth of success in today's cutthroat world. At Heroik, we don't just talk about continuous learning – we live and breathe it. It's the rocket fuel that...
13 Ways Details Matter: Aim Small, Miss Small
In the relentless pursuit of greatness, there's one undeniable truth that separates the average from the extraordinary: Details matter. It's not just a catchy phrase; it's the battle cry of those who understand that true success is engineered in the minutiae. Let's...
Capacity Counts: The 5 Lies You Buy Into That Cause You To Bite Off More Than You Can Chew
Look back on your past year. How many initiatives and projects did you tell yourself, your spouse and your team that you were going to accomplish? How much actually got done? Don’t worry, those horrible stats are what most establish owners struggle with and it all...
Getting It Done: 3 Steps to Help You Stop Overestimating Your Capacity & Underestimating The Effort Required
Overestimating your capacity is a bad keystone habit that enables a lot of other self-sabotaging habits, and while there are ways to turn things around, as with any addiction, you’ll be vulnerable to repeating bad problems and must maintain constant vigilance. This...
Finding Your Flow: 8 Business and Life Altering Benefits of Getting Capacity Right
Being aware of your true, effective work capacity as an individual and as a company is an essential life skill. Most established business owners struggle with it. Overestimating what they can do & underestimating the effort required, is a surefire, one-two recipe...
Capacity Counts: 25 Points of Peril & The High Cost of Getting It Wrong
Being unaware of your true effective capacity as an individual and as a company is deadly. If the leader of the company overestimates his capacity, he’ll flood his company with unrealistic expectations, fantasy projects, and vague goals that will cripple the...
Digital Detox: 5 #OffMode Options To Help You Reconnect With The Real World
If you've been following the #OffMode series, you know that most people struggle with a lot of stress, anxiety and depression, and most of it shares a common source - our digital lifestyles and unchecked information diets. #OffMode is all about cultivating a...
4 Simple Ways To Help You Get Started With Your #OffMode
ReCap - For those unfamiliar, #OffMode #OffMode is a disciplined practice of strategic disconnects from your digital lifestyle. This is part 4 in a 5 part series to kick off the category. Here are the others for your reading pleasure: Part 1 – 9 Reasons Why Now is the...
#OffMode Fundamentals: The 4 Key Elements Of a Solid #OffMode Practice
Most of the major downers driving depression, anxiety and hindering your performance exist or are strongly connected to your digital habits on the web, and they spill over into the real world. It’s time to address this with a disciplined practice of some strategic...
#OffMode PT 2: When You Cut Out The Noise & Lights What You Hear & See May Scare & Excite You
Unplugging from the ceaseless, overwhelming digital burnout machine that is the digital lifestyle, by cultivating a disciplined #OffMode Practice, will, in fact, create a psychological and energetic vacuum. Nature abhors a vacuum. Let’s talk about what happens when...
#OffMode: 9 Reasons Why Now is the Best Time to Disconnect & Cut Back
The largest contributor to personal and professional burnout, anxiety and depression currently overwhelming you is in your pocket, on your desk, and in your bag. And there’s a simple little practice to keep it all in check, stay balanced, and operating optimally. It’s...
Does Winging It Work For The Long Haul? Do Upsides Support Sustainable Strategies?
Is constantly flying by the seat of your pants a sustainable strategy? Can you make it to big wins just by cycling through the trending tactics of the moment? There are many out there who proudly swear by this approach and just wing it. And there are many more who...
The Heroik Life Podcast #301 – Notion Mastery With Marie Poulin
The Gist:
Marie Poulin is a Notion Pro, Host of Notion’s Office Hours, and creator of the Notion Mastery Course, built entirely on Notion of course. In terms of importance, Notion + Marie’s Notion Mastery Course are part of our Every Day Carry (EDC), which means mission critical for the day to day.
20 Inspirational Summer Quotes That Will Have You Chasing The Sun
Why It’s Not Enough to Zoom – Face To Face Meetings Convert 2X Better Than Virtual Meetings
Boost Your Confidence and Performance Using The 40% Rule
4 Things That Get In The Way Of You and Your Goals And The Winning Process To Crush Them Everyday
Capacity Counts: The 5 Lies You Buy Into That Cause You To Bite Off More Than You Can Chew
Staff Picks
20 Powerful Lessons from Creativity Inc That Will Transform Your Approach to Innovation
25 Heroik Takeways From “Remote” by Jason Fried
10 Unstoppable Strategies to Build Your Digital Empire (Even If You’re Busy, Broke, and Flying Solo)
11 Tips on How to Develop A Formidable Business Plan
10 Tips For Managing Finances As A Solopreneur
The Heroik Podcast #302 – Notion Mastery & Beyond PART 2 – W/ Marie Poulin
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