4 Simple Ways To Help You Get Started With Your #OffMode

man run across bridge #offmode

ReCap – For those unfamiliar, #OffMode #OffMode is a disciplined practice of strategic disconnects from your digital lifestyle.

This is part 4 in a 5 part series to kick off the category. Here are the others for your reading pleasure:

Let’s talk about some simple ways to help you create an essential #OffMode habit.

  1. Prep Your Environment – Designate one room in your home that you use every day as smartphone free and create a charging cubby outside of that room.

This can be the living room, dining room, bedroom, or your kitchen. Grab a charging hub for you and 5 friends or family and let the devices charge outside of that space. This is an incredibly simple and basic starting point.

Don’t Cheat – Nice try – attempting to use your guest room as a phone free meditation station for you to neglect. Been there. Tried that. You’ll never go in there. Don’t cheat yourself.

Notice that I didn’t say “tech” or “screen” free. A strong #OffMode practice is not anti-technology, it’s pro mindful control, and strategic use of breaks pauses, disconnects, and timed power downs to reconnect and benefit from the real world.

You’re not giving up everything, and the goal isn’t to live in a dark cave and crap in a bucket to save the environment. The goal is to take back control of your digital lifestyle and thus, achieving a higher level of performance in your overall life. This is not an extreme fad or practice in “minimalism” or other rubbish – I’m too abundant minded for that and you are too.  So, a little white space, a smartphone free room is like a home gym, where you practice getting your reps in.

  1. Get Your Reps In Everyday

It will be hard at first to leave behind your smart companion for long periods of time. Everyone is at a different level with their #OffMode, 20 minutes may feel like a workout to some and no time at all to others.

  1. You can’t out-train a bad information diet.

You need healthy amounts substantive content that is good for you. Understand the difference between information that serves you and that which does not.

You have limited time on this planet, and limited time to learn and achieve your dreams. Make mindful choices as you read, watch and consume.

  • Books, Blogs, and Magazines
  • Audiobooks & Podcasts
  • Uplifting Shows & Inspiring Films
  1. Go to events where you can do something and have opportunities to socialize.

I love endurance events and races, but I much prefer team events. I can get a medal and still connect with people in low-pressure ways. This is also why I enjoy Bootcamp classes, conferences, board games, pub-quizzes, and community events with friends. This has less pressure than a blind date if you think about it, you can be a part of a group, a part of the common cause, without having to interact all that much. You can just people watch. And being out in the real world will help you re-establish an appreciation for humanity. Despite all the things we complain about, there are many fine people out there who are enriching and worthy of sharing moments with.

Some Personal Suggestions To Help You:

  • Keep your new OffMode development small but masterful. Don’t be mediocre at the 2-day disconnect. Be the master of a mindful 20 minute, unplug session first. Master the supportive micro-behaviors that you can build a foundation on.
  • Go out of your way to talk to people. Ask for and use their names, how their day is going, just to be a better human and brush up on the often neglected social skills.
  • Try driving in your car with the radio off. Your commute has a finite amount of time. The changing landscape and distance to your destination will help you cope with the lack of noise.
  • Go easy on yourself when you fail and binge. Don’t overplay the drama of failure. Take course-correcting action ASAP, no matter how small. Right the course.
  • Read a long form anything – get depth in knowledge. A single blog article isn’t enough. Read a book on the subject, not a headline. Read more than one book on a subject. Become an expert in something.
  • Watch movies with happy endings – I don’t know about you, but I don’t need yet another depressing and yet addicting horror show to keep my anxiety high and PTSD triggered. There’s plenty of that on the news and challenges in the real world. When I take breaks from reality or want to numb out to a TV show, I at least want to dream and be inspired. I don’t need help cultivating nightmares.  By filtering out the downer fiction and dramas, I cultivate a greater capacity to manage real-world drams.
    • This means I watch older, higher quality shows. For the first time in human history, you have instant access to just about every movie and TV show. Why settle for the junk food and 1-star flicks. Watch the good stuff that serves you.
  • Write, draw, scribble and create as you consume. Don’t wait to express yourself or test your ideas. You can flood your mind with ideas and paralyze yourself from taking action.

Check Out The Rest Of The Series

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