Awesome Mix Vol 1 Track 1 – A Cosmic Message From God & Your Higher Self

Imagine driving up to your favorite vista point on a clear, moonless night. You look up to the sky and see a shooting star streak by, and for a brief second, you feel like you’re talking with God, aliens, or your higher self if you prefer. They’re all flying by on an interdimensional ride, with speakers blaring. And they’ve got one chance, one message, one song, just one track, to share with you, that you can hear. What do you think it would be? What would you hear? What message would you want to reflect back up to God? What message would you want to share with those you love?

Here’s my answer. Here is what I believe God and my higher self would share with me in a streak of light across the darkness. And the message is the very same I would want to reflect back and spread to friends and loved ones.

“Watch me when you call my name
See me sparkle, see me flame
Singing a song, playing a game
Oh, I’m so glad you came

Watch me when you look my way
See me smiling, be my night and day
Touch me in your own sweet way
Feel me tremble you take my words away
All of the time I love you
Make you a rhyme, I love you
Say it in mine

Watch me when I’m on my own
See me falling like the snow
Come and be the things you are
I am still falling, but not quite so far”

These are Labi Siffre’s lyrics to his song “Watch Me”
If the words themselves didn’t move you. Listen to the song. Here it is – Listen to this- add this to your awesome mix. Play the video below.

If this doesn’t feel like a touch of the divine, then friend, you’re just not paying close enough attention. Listen again. Share it with your friends and family.

Isn’t this what God would want? Isn’t this the refrain of our higher selves? They would say “Pay attention to me. Watch me smile as I am me, as I accept you and encourage you to be you. Connect with me. Dance with me as I come by.

I’m sharing music with you along with a little context to appreciate it and allow it to serve you in life. Lyrics matter. Music matters. These are the magic spells that can program our conscious and unconscious thoughts. And they go neglected and unfiltered. All too often we settle for bad programs that get us addicted to exacerbating our problems. We could be solving them and moving on to better ones. We can do so much better if we paid more attention. So accept this as my latest effort to elevate connect and grow. Take this with you.

TLDR: Watch me when you call my name. See me smiling. Touch me in your own sweet way. I’m so glad you came. I love you. Be all the things you are. – Remember these phrases. Repeat to yourself and to your loved ones, and maybe a stranger or two.

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