Business, Operations, Podcast
The Heroik Hour Podcast – Episode 205 Avoid The Fatal 1-2 Capacity and Effort Error Combo On This Episode- How to Slip, Dip and Dodge The Fatal 1-2 Punch That Every Business Owner Must Learn to Overcome – Big time errors when calculating work capacity and...
#OffMode, Business, Podcast
House Keeping Notes 1- Sorry about the audio – I was too far away from the mic on this one. I’m not use to standing with the Yeti mic, but rest assured it’s corrected in later episodes. 2- Video doesn’t start rolling until about 2.5 minutes in...
Business, Business Development, Business Model Design, Design Thinking, Management, Strategy
One of the biggest yet least known problems that established business owner’s face that they don’t realize has to do with assessing their work capacity. By capacity, I mean the total amount of work you, your team, and the company can perform, recover from and adapt...
Business, Business Development, Communication, Lifestyle, Management, Marketing, Operations, Performance, Personal Development, Productivity, Strategy
Look back on your past year. How many initiatives and projects did you tell yourself, your spouse and your team that you were going to accomplish? How much actually got done? Don’t worry, those horrible stats are what most establish owners struggle with and it all...
Business, Business Model Design, Design Thinking, Lifestyle, Management, Operations, Performance, Personal Development, Strategy
Overestimating your capacity is a bad keystone habit that enables a lot of other self-sabotaging habits, and while there are ways to turn things around, as with any addiction, you’ll be vulnerable to repeating bad problems and must maintain constant vigilance. This...