Becoming Heroik, Business, Featured, Field Notes, Heavy Rotation, Heroik Culture, Operations, Performance, Personal Development, Values In Action
If you can read this, you’ve been on the planet long enough to realize that we are our own worst enemies when it comes to achieving our goals. And there is a really helpful and easy process we can use to overcome the obstacles we create, and crush our goals each...
Featured, Field Notes, Heavy Rotation, News
We’re adding a new, much needed topic to our content mix, called Heavy Rotation. Normally, when you think of heavy rotation, you think of music, the same Top 40 played over and over again. This has influenced and shaped our culture, our psychology, values, and...
Field Notes, Gear, Heavy Rotation, Reviews, Values In Action
In this #HeavyRotation review, we look at an EDC knife I’ve consistently carried for a few years now, the Spyderco Tenacious. Pros: 1 Handed Opening G10 Supergrip handle – Feels great – The standard for a higher quality knife. Thin & slim,...
Business, Management, Podcast, Strategy
Welcome to the Heroik Hour Podcast the show where we help established owners get mission ready for life – I’m your host, Nicholas McGill and this is episode 206. And we’re going to talk about what to do when you don’t have a map for your business. ...