Let’s face it. Your to-do list isn’t getting any shorter. And constantly rescheduling tasks just leads to self-shame and guilt. At an unconscious level, you’re beating yourself up and thinking yourself a loser. The crux of the problem is in over-estimating our...
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4 Things That Get In The Way Of You and Your Goals And The Winning Process To Crush Them Everyday
If you can read this, you've been on the planet long enough to realize that we are our own worst enemies when it comes to achieving our goals. And there is a really helpful and easy process we can use to overcome the obstacles we create, and crush our goals each and...
Capacity Counts: The 5 Lies You Buy Into That Cause You To Bite Off More Than You Can Chew
Look back on your past year. How many initiatives and projects did you tell yourself, your spouse and your team that you were going to accomplish? How much actually got done? Don’t worry, those horrible stats are what most establish owners struggle with and it all...
New Research Shows That Even The Worst Video Games Are More Entertaining Than Safe and Sane Fireworks
According to recent research study from NIDM, California men and women ages 18-55 would rather play a video game than use safe and sane fireworks when given the choice. Participants were given a choice between a free assortment of safe and sane fireworks or a game of...
To Improve, Be Brave, Admit Problems, Face Them & Implement Solutions
Often, we avoid hard truths and tough talks because they are the verbal vegetables of society. Some things however distasteful, are in fact quite healthy and important. And we know it. You know it's good for you. So, what kind of brussel sprouts are we talking...
Leave Your Work Shoes At The Door: Be Present At Home
Have you ever struggled to leave work at the door when you get home? I've found it especially difficult now that work fits in our pockets. Here's a ritual, physical habit and life hack I created to trigger a mental disconnect and transition from work mode into home...
John Oliver Points Out The Scams That Could Be Hosing Your Retirement Funds
John Oliver and the Last Week Tonight team, took on the financial services industry in an epic takedown pointing out the outrageous scams and fees associated with many services. Take 20 minutes out of your life to invest in your financial future, by learning the...
Binge On: 9 Epic Aaron Sorkin Works to Inspire You
There are few masters of the written word as most of us experience it, in screenplays and movies. At the top of that list in our time at least, has to be writer, producer, director, actor, Aaron Sorkin. Most of his movies and shows are highly treasured and some are...
Skip the Book & Watch – Dishonesty: The Truth About Lies
How often are you told to skip the book and watch the movie instead? You may have heard of the Dan Ariely the famous behavioral economist, TED talker, author of Predictably Irrational and other great books. You may already know about his research on the human...
Repel Disingenuous NewAgers With These 7 Videos From JP Sears
Ahh the new-age movement, a great way to insulate yourself from criticism and responsibility, and rationalize your career as a migrant barista, yoga instructor, while making most of your money from trimming weed or peddling ayahuaska. Confusing the commercialized...
7 Tips to Help You Start Building The Great Life
1. Make enough room in your life to accommodate your big dreams. A lucky man once said - "You can't make love on a cluttered desk." Clear a space for your next big opportunity. As anticipate all the things you wish to achieve, give them ample room to fit in your life....
Reflect & Believe: A Taste of Heroikology
The spiritual technology of personal empowerment not only leads to transformation of one’s life and work. It also brings new capabilities, a vision of new opportunities and a dirigible architecture that allows us to elevate ourselves, our communities and endeavors....
Time, Energy and Attention, Where are You Pouring Your TEA?
Track This: Where and how you spend your focused attention; time, energy and attention. The most important metric or currency of these days seems to be our focused, attention time, composed of time, energy and attention (TEA). The modern audience of potential...
Early Retirement – The 5 Fundamental Strategies You Must Know
Warren Buffet Moved Money to Tesla & Apple – Here’s His Top Advice
Most Millionaires Have Multiple Streams of Income But Mainly In These 3 Categories
6 Things Every Mom Needs to Know About Estate Planning
3 Ways to Divorce Proof Your Finances
3 Benefits of Tactical Asset Protection
Staff Picks
Getting It Done: 3 Steps to Help You Stop Overestimating Your Capacity & Underestimating The Effort Required
Finding Your Flow: 8 Business and Life Altering Benefits of Getting Capacity Right
Capacity Counts: 25 Points of Peril & The High Cost of Getting It Wrong
Digital Detox: 5 #OffMode Options To Help You Reconnect With The Real World
4 Simple Ways To Help You Get Started With Your #OffMode
#OffMode Fundamentals: The 4 Key Elements Of a Solid #OffMode Practice
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