Becoming Heroik, Brand, Field Notes, Heroik Culture, Lifestyle, Personal Development, Simplicity, Work Culture
I take on new themes every year. Often they are small phrases or tiny one word concepts that help me improve my life. Believe me, you can spend a lifetime appreciating the implications of seemingly small words. Here are 5 G-words whose lessons will bring you greater...
Becoming Heroik, Money, Personal Development
“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” – Zig Ziglar 1. The desire to be wealthy is perfectly healthy and natural. Just like a plant desires sunlight to grow, we desire...
Becoming Heroik, Heroik Culture, Leadership, Personal Development
Limiting beliefs are those that hold you back from advancing your life. If you believe it is a sin to aspire to achieve, to rise above, to be wealthy, to easily build wealth, and to enjoy life, you will make life harder for yourself to do so. Limiting beliefs like...