Imagine driving up to your favorite vista point on a clear, moonless night. You look up to the sky and see a shooting star streak by, and for a brief second, you feel like you're talking with God, aliens, or your higher self if you prefer. They're all flying by on an...
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Sheryl Sandberg, Bill Gates, And Richard Branson All Use This Productivity Trick
TLDR - It's called showing up and doing the work. Let me save you some wasted hours on the Internet. Whatever you're trying to achieve, let me answer the question you're unconsciously asking yourself. The answer is YES. Yes, there are hundreds of ways to do it better...
The Heroik Hour Podcast 021: Vision or Unique Purpose? Which Should You Do First? Welcome to The Heroik Hour Podcast - dedicated to getting you mission ready for life by giving you some nuggets of health, wealth, and work in the real world. If you’ve never heard this podcast before, be sure to pack your scuba gear and a...
How to Identify Roadblocks to Success: 5 Key Questions to Ask Yourself
As leaders and ambitious professionals, we all want to cultivate the practices, habits, and culture that truly serve us. And we want to hit the eject button on all the garbage that does not serve us. The things that don’t serve us, act as roadblocks, keeping us from...
5 Super Moves to Help You Kill the Noise, Empty Your Cup & Make Room for Improvement
At the core of Heroik Culture is our mantra: Mission Ready For Life. This is an attitude and dedication to both personal and professional growth, and it has many implications. One of the key practices boils down to this: cultivate that which serves you, and proudly...
Must Read: The Heroik Power of Headlines
There are many books out there disguised as how-to's, prompting you to tell your story through social media, and to use it as a platform to build a more authentic brand. But let's be real, most of these books are far removed of specifics with watered...
Must Be Present to Win
In order to get somewhere, you have to be somewhere first. Instead of obsessing over getting somewhere fast, focus on being somewhere completely. Being who you are right where you are will allow you to practice more authentically, generate more opportunities, and...
Visual Thinking And Creativity
Do you remember visual thinking? Have you heard of it? It's essentially visualization, a lost art these days. Ask yourself when the last time you staired at a blank wall or a fresh blank page of paper? These days our writing space has been replaced with watching space...
11 Tips For Whole-Hearted Living
In life, entrepreneurial and cultural mythology, and Heroik chronicles neglect to tell you all the important stages of self development required before you run off to slay dragons and conquer the world. The facts are that everyone comes ill equipped and most turn...
The $10 Startup- A BootStrappers Quick Reference to The Art of Hustle.
While I don't completely write off the various investment/funding business models, I do have a larger respect for the art of hustle and the adaptive mindset of the true entrepreneur. I'm a big fan of bootstrapping business models and their success stories of...
Making A Haul
Team Heroik started training for the 2011 Tough Mudder with a Team Building exercise that turned into an exercise in beach combing and some personal observations.
7 Ways to Super Charge Your Self Worth
It is an often said but poorly understood notion, that many if not most people in your life will try to discourage, devalue and chip away at your self-worth. Due to toxic patterns, poor upbringings, selfish behavior, and other environmental and psychological factors,...
23 Things You Can Learn From a Lego MBA
What you can learn from the Lego MBA It's a successful Gamified Environment, with Interactive, Visual and Persistent engagement creates value. Environments like this scale nicely when the user base reaches a certain size . The game dynamic with the most pull that kept...
Staff Picks
The Danger Zone – When is it Time For War-Time Leadership?
Why It’s Not Enough to Zoom – Face To Face Meetings Convert 2X Better Than Virtual Meetings
Tips For War-Time Leadership In 2020
Real Good vs. Feel Good – Why Startup Pitch Competitions Need To Be Divided By Market vs. Social Focus
Boost Your Confidence and Performance Using The 40% Rule
4 Things That Get In The Way Of You and Your Goals And The Winning Process To Crush Them Everyday
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