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The Heroik Life Podcast #301 – Notion Mastery With Marie Poulin

The Gist:

Marie Poulin is a Notion Pro, Host of Notion’s Office Hours, and creator of the Notion Mastery Course, built entirely on Notion of course. In terms of importance, Notion + Marie’s Notion Mastery Course are part of our Every Day Carry (EDC), which means mission critical for the day to day.

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The Heroik Life Podcast #301 – Notion Mastery With Marie Poulin

The Heroik Life Podcast #301 – Notion Mastery With Marie Poulin

The Gist:

Marie Poulin is a Notion Pro, Host of Notion’s Office Hours, and creator of the Notion Mastery Course, built entirely on Notion of course. In terms of importance, Notion + Marie’s Notion Mastery Course are part of our Every Day Carry (EDC), which means mission critical for the day to day.

20 Inspirational Summer Quotes That Will Have You Chasing The Sun

20 Inspirational Summer Quotes That Will Have You Chasing The Sun

When the Summer is upon us -it's time to get outside and soak it up. Here are some great Summer Quotes to inspire your adventures. 1. "Everything good, everything magical happens between the months of June and August." - Jenny Han2. "If you're not barefoot, then...

Boost Your Confidence and Performance Using The 40% Rule

Boost Your Confidence and Performance Using The 40% Rule

Let’s face it. Your to-do list isn’t getting any shorter. And constantly rescheduling tasks just leads to self-shame and guilt. At an unconscious level, you’re beating yourself up and thinking yourself a loser. The crux of the problem is in over-estimating our...

Introducing #Heavy Rotation

Introducing #Heavy Rotation

We're adding a new, much needed topic to our content mix, called Heavy Rotation. Normally, when you think of heavy rotation, you think of music, the same Top 40 played over and over again. This has influenced and shaped our culture, our psychology, values, and beliefs...

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