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Boost Your Confidence and Performance Using The 40% Rule

Let’s face it. Your to-do list isn’t getting any shorter. And constantly rescheduling tasks just leads to self-shame and guilt. At an unconscious level, you’re beating yourself up and thinking yourself a loser. The crux of the problem is in over-estimating our...

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Leave Your Work Shoes At The Door: Be Present At Home

Leave Your Work Shoes At The Door: Be Present At Home

Have you ever struggled to leave work at the door when you get home? I've found it especially difficult now that work fits in our pockets. Here's a ritual, physical habit and life hack I created to trigger a mental disconnect and transition from work mode into home...

7 Tips to Help You Start Building The Great Life

7 Tips to Help You Start Building The Great Life

1. Make enough room in your life to accommodate your big dreams. A lucky man once said - "You can't make love on a cluttered desk." Clear a space for your next big opportunity. As anticipate all the things you wish to achieve, give them ample room to fit in your life....

Reflect & Believe: A Taste of Heroikology

Reflect & Believe: A Taste of Heroikology

The spiritual technology of personal empowerment not only leads to transformation of one’s life and work. It also brings new capabilities, a vision of new opportunities and a dirigible architecture that allows us to elevate ourselves, our communities and endeavors....

Time, Energy and Attention, Where are You Pouring Your TEA?

Time, Energy and Attention, Where are You Pouring Your TEA?

Track This: Where and how you spend your focused attention; time, energy and attention. The most important metric or currency of  these days seems to be our focused, attention time, composed of time, energy and attention (TEA). The modern audience of potential...

7 Apps That Will Instantly Make You a Speed Reading Genius

7 Apps That Will Instantly Make You a Speed Reading Genius

It’s amazing to me, how many ambitious upstarts have the passion for new endeavor, yet hate to read and learn to reach their goals. If reading is a barrier to improvement for you, perhaps because you find it slow-paced, difficult or uninteresting, then you’re in luck....

The 3 Biggest Time Wasters  at Work & How to Stop Them

The 3 Biggest Time Wasters at Work & How to Stop Them

There is a lot of wasted time at work. There are 3 pink elephants in the room when it comes to wasted time at work. They’re email, meetings and distractions. They’re slowing you down and costing you a fortune of up to 40% of your work day, or 3.2 hrs per day per...

Go 5G: Upgrade Your Life With These 5 Words

Go 5G: Upgrade Your Life With These 5 Words

I take on new themes every year. Often they are small phrases or tiny one word concepts that help me improve my life. Believe me, you can spend a lifetime appreciating the implications of seemingly small words. Here are 5 G-words whose lessons will bring you greater...

7 Inspirational Truths That Will Bring You Wealth & Abundance

7 Inspirational Truths That Will Bring You Wealth & Abundance

“People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.” - Zig Ziglar 1. The desire to be wealthy is perfectly healthy and natural. Just like a plant desires sunlight to grow, we desire wealth to grow and live...

14 Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back From Wealth & Success

14 Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back From Wealth & Success

Limiting beliefs are those that hold you back from advancing your life. If you believe it is a sin to aspire to achieve, to rise above, to be wealthy, to easily build wealth, and to enjoy life, you will make life harder for yourself to do so. Limiting beliefs like...

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