Design Thinking, Business, Featured, Podcast
The Heroik Life Podcast · The Heroik Life Podcast 302 Marie Poulin Pt 2 The Gist: Marie Poulin is a Notion Pro, Host of Notion’s Office Hours, and creator of the Notion Mastery Course, built entirely on Notion of course. In this, Part 2 interview, we take a...
Business, Design Thinking, Digital Lifestyle, Entrepreneurship, Featured
The Heroik Life Podcast · Heroik Life 301 - Marie Poulin Pt 1 The Gist: Marie Poulin is a Notion Pro, Host of Notion’s Office Hours, and creator of the Notion Mastery Course, built entirely on Notion of course. In terms of importance, Notion + Marie’s Notion...
#OffMode, Adventure, Escapes, Featured, Health & Fitness, Inspiration
When the Summer is upon us -it’s time to get outside and soak it up. Here are some great Summer Quotes to inspire your adventures. 1. “Everything good, everything magical happens between the months of June and August.” – Jenny Han 2. “If...
In The News, Leadership, The Discerning Man
DISCLAIMER – THE OPINIONS EXPRESSED IN THE DISCERNING MAN COLUMN DO NOT REPRESENT THE VIEWS OF HEROIK MEDIA OR ITS AFFILIATES. There is a lot of fear, panic porn, and optimism shaming getting blasted in a highly politicized news media climate. Despite the whole...